Local Resources

In Chaffee County, visit ChaffeeResources.com.

BV Pride Coalition - Mountain Pride - Leadville Pride
ONE Colorado - Loving Beyond Understanding - Rocky Mountain Equality

Colorado Name Change Project
Resources and workshops supporting LGBTQ+ Coloradans with legal name changes and gender marker corrections

Fortaleza Familiar
Fortaleza Familiar is dedicated to the wellness of Indigenous Chicanx Latinx Lesbian Gay Bi Queer Trans Two-Spirit young people and their families in Colorado. ​

Fortaleza Familiar se dedica al bienestar de los jóvenes indígenas Chicanx Latinx que son Lesbianas Gay Bi Queer Trans Two-Spirit y sus familias en Colorado.

Gay & Sober
"Gay & Sober is an LGBTQ nonprofit organization*. Our mission is simple – to provide a safe, fun, and enriching experience to the sober community. Our primary purpose is to encourage unity and enhance one’s sobriety."

Gender Spectrum
Gender Spectrum hosts free online groups for pre-teens, teens, parents, caregivers, and other family members and adults. These groups provide you with the opportunity to connect with others, share experiences, and feel the comfort of a supportive community.

NAMI Colorado
"The mission of NAMI Colorado is to build communities of recovery and hope by educating, supporting and advocating for individuals affected by mental illness and their families."

National Domestic Violence Hotline
At the National Domestic Violence Hotline, highly trained expert advocates are available 24/7 to talk confidentially with anyone in the United States who is experiencing domestic violence, seeking resources or information, or questioning unhealthy aspects of their relationship.

National Eating Disorders Association
Contact the Helpline for support, resources, and treatment options for yourself or a loved one. Helpline volunteers are trained to help you find the information and support you are looking for.


SAGE National LGBT Elder Hotline
877-360-LGBT (5428)
Talk and be heard at the SAGE LGBT Elder Hotline. We connect LGBT older people who want to talk with friendly responders who are ready to listen. If you are an LGBT elder or care for one, call the free SAGE Hotline, toll-free, at 877-360-LGBT (5428).

Trans Lifeline
The Trans Lifeline is specifically geared towards transgender people who are going through a crisis, dealing with gender identity confusion and self-harm prevention. The Trans Lifeline is a phone line open 18 hours daily (11am to 5am).

Transgender Center of The Rockies
The Transgender Center of the Rockies provides holistic gender-affirming services to support transgender, non-binary, and gender-expansive individuals in Colorado. Our goal is to empower you to live your most authentic lives! We provide social-emotional support and substance use treatment for the Colorado trans community with clinical groups, individual counseling, peer-led support groups, PrEP case management, and community events. We also provide programs for queer and transgender teens and young adults at the NXT Queer Youth program.

The Transgender Resource Center of New Mexico
We support transgender, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming communities through direct services, education, and advocacy.

The Trans Continental Pipeline
The Trans Continental Pipeline (TCP) is grassroots mutual aid network turned 501c3 nonprofit based in Denver CO. We provide resources to help 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals move from unsafe situations and political climates to the great state of Colorado! We have four steps, each with new resources being constantly added.

The Trevor Project
The Trevor Project provides support for LGBTQ+ youth under the age of 25 through a 24-hour phone, chat (3pm-10pm daily), and texting (Monday-Friday, 3pm-10pm) services with counselors. The project also offers peer-to-peer support through TrevorSpace.

Veterans Crisis Line
Connect with the Veterans Crisis Line to reach caring, qualified responders with the Department of Veterans Affairs. Many of them are Veterans themselves.

You:Flourish is a wellness platform crafted by and for the LGBTQ+ community. Here, you'll discover a wealth of wellness resources, peer support networks, and a comprehensive directory of healthcare providers who embrace and affirm all identities.

National Resources

GLAAD www.glaad.org — Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. “GLAAD works with print, broadcast and online news sources to bring people powerful stories from the LGBT community that build support for equality.”

GLSEN www.glsen.org — Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network. “Every day GLSEN works to ensure that LGBT students are able to learn and grow in a school environment free from bullying and harassment.”

Forge — http://forge-forward.org/ is a progressive organization whose mission is to support, educate and advocate for the rights and lives of transgender individuals and SOFFAs (Significant Others, Friends, Family, and Allies).  They have recorded webinars on many different issues related to trans* individuals and SOFFAs.

It Gets Better Project — www.itgetsbetter.org — “The It Gets Better Project’s mission is to communicate to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth around the world that it gets better, and to create and inspire the changes needed to make it better for them.”

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force — http://www.thetaskforce.org/“The mission of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force is to build the power of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community from the ground up.” They also run Creating Change the “largest annual gathering of LGBTQ activists, organizers, and leaders within the LGBT movement” in the US.

“Parents, Families, Friends, and Allies United with LGBT People to Move Equality Forward.”

Transgender Law Center
“The largest national trans-led organization advocating self-determination for all people. Grounded in legal expertise and committed to racial justice, TLC employs a variety of community-driven strategies to keep transgender and gender nonconforming people alive, thriving, and fighting for liberation.”

The Trevor Project 
“Crisis intervention and suicide prevention for LGBTQ youth.”

The “Not All Like That” (NALT) Project
videos of (awesome) Christians (mostly families) explaining how they fully support LGBTQ people and that being Christian shouldn’t mean being anti-gay.

Religious Institute
“A multifaith organization dedicated to advocating for sexual health, education, and justice in faith communities and society.”

National Center for Transgender Equality
“The nation’s leading social justice advocacy organization winning life-saving change for transgender people.”