GSAs, short for Genders & Sexualities Alliances, are student-run organizations for LGBTQ+, questioning, and allied youth to build community and create a safe and brave space. Many youth discuss the issues impacting them in their schools and communities which have caused GSAs to evolve into vehicles for change.
The importance of a GSA in a school has been researched around the world and all results show the positive effects on students health and safety. Harassment and bullying is high among youth and having access to a GSA offers youth a safe space to share their experiences and find support.
Many GSAs focus on three pillars; Social, Support, and Direct Action. Every GSA reflects the environment, school climate, community climate, and the needs of the students accessing the club.
While meeting regularly provides a huge part to the social and support aspects of the club many students have used the club to push for anti-bias trainings for teachers and staff, spoken to their school board on their needs and barriers, and promote and support days of LGBTQ+ awareness during the school year and at school gatherings.
Join a GSA in your area or Start a GSA in your school!
Supporting Your GSA - A GLSEN Webinar for Educators
As GLSEN was founded by a group of teachers in 1990, we knew that educators play key roles in creating affirming learning environments for LGBTQ youth. But as well as activating supportive educators, we believe in centering and uplifting student-led movements, which have powered initiatives like the Day of Silence, Ally Week, and more.